Class Schedule
11:00-11:50 am PST
July 16th, July 17th, July 18th
July 23rd, July 24th, July 25th
*Note: This course meets on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
over the course of two weeks.
Note: Classes are listed in PST, click below to convert time to your time zone.
Course Overview
Have you ever fallen asleep, only to find yourself immersed in a fantastical dream world? In The Number Devil, by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, this very thing happens to a young boy named Robert. In this course, students will analyze selections from the book, thereby embarking on their own mathematical adventures alongside Robert. Together, we will create palindromes and primes, build triangles and trees, and count combinations.
Student Outcomes:
- Practice identifying and recognizing numeric patterns
- Use mathematical detective skills to describe and extend number sequences

Your Teacher: Emily Lenhart
Emily Lenhart has worked in education for 10 years with a broad range of experience in elementary and middle school settings at both independent and public schools across the US. During her 5 years at the Nueva School in Hillsborough, CA, she enjoyed learning to meet the diverse needs of gifted learners while earning a Master of Education from the University of the Pacific. Emily currently serves as the math specialist at a public school in rural Iowa, where she strives to support students as they find patterns, make connections, and ask questions. Emily also runs an online tutoring business for gifted students who struggle in math.